As of March 2021 it is recommended that indiviudals to seek family mediators support before moving to arbitration and court process.

Parenting Plan

Allow our family mediators to help you come up with a parenting plan that not only has your voice but your child voice in the plan.


We are a not-for-profit organization designed to support families in your community. We serve all across Ontario and Canada. Our services are provided in-person and virtually.

All Mediation services are $120/hr, Arbitration matters are $240/hr, Parent Co-ordinator services are $120/hr, Voice Of The Child Report is $180/hr

Services We Provide:

  • Re-evaluation of Parenting Schedule 
  • Child-Closed Mediation
  • Voice of the Child Report
  • Mediation / Arbitration
  • Parent Coordinator
  • Common-law Rights & Support
  • Mortgage Transfer During Relationship Breakup
  • Parenting Alienation
  • Holiday & Overnight Access
  • Grandparents & Parenting Schedules
  • Retroactive Support

Seminars & Podcasts

Our seminars and podcasts help you and your family move forward and cope with the trauma of separation and divorce.

We can help. Don't let frustration control your judgement.

Breaking up is hard to do, but it gets easier with the right advice and guidance. Our professional team is here to advise, guide and support you and your child's emotional well being and plan your asset separation and financial transition.
CANADA FAMILY MEDIATION - Ontario's Premier Mediation and Separation Services

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Frequently asked

Breaking up is tough on your family, children and yourself, but it will be alright!. Visit our FAQ and Contact Us for Free consultation today.
  • What is Parental Gatekeeping?

    With children being born to parents later in life, mothers working full-time and fathers being actively involved in parenting their children, coupled with a high divorce rate, it is no surprise that fathers expect to be considered custodial parents, equally with mothers, when they separate. Yet the traditional view of mothers as primary caregivers often collides with this new reality. Stemming from these historical and contemporary images of parents come values and attitudes which trigger actions and behaviours that cause post-separation conflict.

    Dr. William Austin and Dr. Marsha Kline Pruett explain that ‘Parental Gatekeeping’ is where attitudes, actions and/or legal positions by one parent are designed to limit the other parent’s access, contact or involvement with their child. These restrictions are often based on assertions that the other parent’s involvement places the child at risk for harm, emotional distress, behavioural problems, adjustment difficulties, or negative developmental impact.

    ‘Restrictive Gatekeeping’ is where one parent, usually the mother, defines the role of the father and attempts to script his attitude and behaviour as a parent. The social science explains that ‘Restrictive Gatekeeping’ is more likely to produce lower child adjustment by producing more conflict and harm to the quality of the other parent-child relationship. On the other hand, ‘Facilitative Gatekeeping’ is more likely to produce better child adjustment through higher involvement of both parents and less exposure to parent conflict. This positive version recognizes the value of the other parent, appreciates the other parent’s social capital, invites proactive and cooperative co-parenting and generates win-win-win outcomes for families, parents and, most importantly, their children.

    Some causes of Restrictive Gatekeeping are gender role beliefs, insecurity in parental identity, perceived parenting incompetence and need for control.

    Most worrisome is the research that shows that the risk of harm to children by Restrictive Gatekeeping is often greater than the gatekeeping parent’s perception of harm by the other parent.

    So now we have a new label for disputes where one parent attempts to limit the child’s relationship with the other parent.

  • Will I be required to pay spousal support?

    This is a complex question. In answering it, there are three questions that need to be considered. Firstly, is a spouse entitled to support? Secondly, what is the amount of support that should be paid? Thirdly, what is the duration that support should be paid for? When determining spousal support, the judge requires that each spouse file a sworn financial statement which contains a monthly budget. This way, the judge can see the total monthly income and expenses of each spouse. The judge will consider the financial need of the spouse that requests support, the financial ability of the other spouse to pay support and the standard of living that the spouses maintained before separation.

  • Do both spouses have to be in the same room for mediation?

    The better the communication between the spouses, the more successful mediation can be, because the spouses will each actively participate in the mediation process. However, when the spouses are unable to deal directly with each other, mediation can still be useful. In this case, the mediator may start by meeting with both spouses to discuss the objectives of the mediation and then separate them so the mediator can meet with one spouse at a time, in different rooms. The mediator can then shuttle between the two spouses to mediate an agreement.

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